中国辐射卫生  2024, Vol. 33 Issue (4): 364-369    DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.04.003
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张彦彪, 汪传高, 郭庐阵, 邬蒙蒙, 庞洪超, 骆志平, 陈凌
中国原子能科学研究院, 北京 102413
Preliminary study on the effectiveness of three separation and enrichment methods for gaseous 14C effluent
ZHANG Yanbiao, WANG Chuangao, GUO Luzhen, WU Mengmeng, PANG Hongchao, LUO Zhiping, CHEN Ling
China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 China
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