中国辐射卫生  2024, Vol. 33 Issue (3): 229-233    DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.03.001
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赵俏俏, 范瑶华, 黄卓, 徐辉, 欧向明
中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所 辐射防护与核应急中国疾病预防控制中心重点实验室, 北京 100088
Measurement and analysis of peak skin dose for patients with interventional cardiology procedures
ZHAO Qiaoqiao, FAN Yaohua, HUANG Zhuo, XU Hui, OU Xiangming
Key Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Emergency, China CDC, National Institute for Radiological Protection, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100088 China
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