中国辐射卫生  2024, Vol. 33 Issue (3): 254-259    DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.03.005
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18 MV加速器调试机房防护门的屏蔽效果及其影响因素分析
张国海1, 章斌1, 张贵英2, 马永忠3
1. 瓦里安医疗器械贸易(北京)有限公司, 北京 100176;
2. 北京市化工职业病防治院, 北京 100093;
3. 北京市疾病预防控制中心, 北京 100013
Analysis of the shielding effect of protective door of an 18 MV linear accelerator debugging room and its influencing factors
ZHANG Guohai1, ZHANG Bin1, ZHANG Guiying2, MA Yongzhong3
1. Varian Medical Systems Trading (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176 China;
2. Beijing Prevention and Treatment Hospital of Occupational Disease for Chemical Industry, Beijing 100093 China;
3. Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100013 China
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