中国辐射卫生  2024, Vol. 33 Issue (3): 318-322    DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.03.016
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李文炎, 张贵英, 刘澜涛, 牛东升, 郭泽钦, 王志超, 拓华, 武鹤雁, 夏亭亭, 楚妮妮, 赖继川, 陈娇娇
北京市化工职业病防治院放射部, 北京 100093
Discussion of Hp(3) calibration with two thermoluminescent dosimeters in the same standard X-ray RQR radiation field
LI Wenyan, ZHANG Guiying, LIU Lantao, NIU Dongsheng, GUO Zeqin, WANG Zhichao, TUO Hua, WU Heyan, XIA Tingting, CHU Nini, LAI Jichuan, CHEN Jiaojiao
Radiochemistry Laboratory of Radiation Technology Department, Beijing Prevention and Treatment Hospital of Occupational Disease for Chemical Industry, Beijing 100093 China
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