中国辐射卫生  2024, Vol. 33 Issue (4): 390-397    DOI: 10.13491/j.issn.1004-714X.2024.04.007
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《放射治疗机房的辐射屏蔽规范 第2部分:电子直线加速器放射治疗机房》GBZ/T 201.2—2011标准评价结果分析——放射卫生技术服务机构相关人员
徐小三1, 冯泽臣2, 翟自坡3, 杜翔1, 杨春勇1, 王进1
1. 江苏省疾病预防控制中心 江苏省预防医学科学院, 江苏 南京 210009;
2. 北京市疾病预防控制中心, 北京 100013;
3. 湖南省职业病防治研究院, 湖南 长沙 410021
Analysis of the evaluation of Radiation Shielding Requirements for Radiotherapy Room—Prat 2: Radiotherapy Room of Electron Linear Accelerators (GBZ/T 201.2—2011): personnel in medical radiation technology service institutions
XU Xiaosan1, FENG Zechen2, ZHAI Zipo3, DU Xiang1, YANG Chunyong1, WANG Jin1
1. Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Preventive Medicine, Nanjing 210009 China;
2. Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing 100013 China;
3. Hunan Prevention and Treatment Institute for Occupational Diseases, Changsha 410021 China
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