
  • 28 March 2005 Volume 14 Issue 1

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  • MAO Ya-hong and LIU Yi-gang
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    Objective To determine materials containing natural radionuclides in or out secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters.Methods In gamma ray spectrum analyses, the activity concentration of every daughter is the same as that of its parent when the material is in secular equilibrium.The activity concentrations of daughters and their parents are different when the material is out of secular equilibrium.Results It is different to determine whether the exposures from these materials should be exempt that materials containing natural radionuclides are in or out of secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters.Conclusion It is important to determine materials containing natural radionuclides in or out secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters in gamma ray spectrum analyses.
  • CHEN Feng, ZHU Zhi-xian, HE Wei-chuan, et al
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    Objective To estimate some typical radiodiagnosis projection conditions for adult patients' organic dose and effective dose by the WINODS included in DOSEGUARD100.Change some parameters to test the applicability of WINODS and the infcuence on projeclion dose.Methods Compare the result from the WINODS with experiment results achived by the research group.Results Lumbar AP (male、female)0.301 mGy, 0.743 mGy;pelvis AP (male、female)0.23 mGy, 0.639 mGy;sternum AP (male、female)0.021 mGy, 0.029 mGy;abdomen (male、female)0.303 mGy, 0.414 mGy.Change the high voltage from 68 kV to 120 kV without any change of exit dose, ESD and effective dose level would come down.Change the total filter from 1.5 mmaAl to 3.0 mmAl without any change of exit dose, ESD and effective dose level would also come down.In this test the results are in accordance with the experiment results on the whole.Conclusion The test results show WINODS is suited to the estimation of the organic dose and effective dose.WINODS can be used to improve the optimization work.
  • LI Jin, GAO Gang, WANG Qin, et al
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    Objective To search for effects of low dose radiation on the activities of antioxidant enzymes after radiotherapy of tumor-bearing mice.Methods Superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) were all determined by chemical colorimetry.Results Low dose radiation increase the activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT) in serum of tumor-bearing mice more markedly than those in the unirradiated controls.The activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD, GST, CAT in serum of tumor-bearing mice (d5, d3) irradiated with 5cGy 6h before 2.0Gy radiation are obviously higher than those of the group (c3, c5) given with radiotherapy only.Conclusion The increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes in serum of tumor-bearing mice triggered by low dose radiation could partly contribute to the protective mechanism.
  • CHEN Sheng-li, ZHU Dong-liang, HUANG Qi-hao, et al
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    Objective To evaluate the X-ray radiation of patients during uterine artery embolization (UAE) for leiomyomas.Methods Radiation dose was measured in 90 patients who underwent UAE for leiomyomas.Measurements were obtained by a dosimeters system (Diamentor K1 and Diamentor ED) equipped in DSA setting Angiostar-Plus (Siemens, Germany), dose-area product (DAP) and entrance surface dose (ESD) were recorded on line, effect dose (ED) was estimated by Monte-Carlo conversion coefficient from DAP.Results The mean fluoroscopic time was 28.60±23.73 minutes, and the mean number of angiographic exposures was 87±38.The mean DAP dose was (6 178±3 802) cGy cm2, and the mean ESD was 378±245) mGy, ED was (9.89±6.08) mSv.The contribution of pulsed fluoroscopy (PF) dose to the total DAP (34.05%±10.65%) was smaller than that of radiography (R) (65.94%±10.65%), and the contribution of PF for total ESD (61.09%±12.88%) was bigger than that of R (65.94%±10.65%).Conclusion The leiomyoma patient suffered a large dose X-ray exposure from a UAE procedure.
  • LI Xin-luan, LIU Wei, GAO Min, et al
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    Objective To investigate the health condition of the people who work in the petrochmical field and to provide the basis for the policy-making of control and survey of the radiology disease.Methods To measure the volume of radioactivity individual in the enviroument of the people who work in the field of petrochemistry and consequently to cheek and analysize the changes in physical and biochemitry.Results The annual volume of radioactivity exposure individual is 5.667 mSv·a-1, >50 mSv·a-1 20.Conseqently, this volume can induce many abnormalities in human body.Compare to the control group, the abnormalities include high blood pressure of abnormal EKG, eye disease, low white blood ceels, the changed rate of CD4/CD8, distortion of DNA and appearances of higher micronucluus.Conclusion Long time exposure to low volume of radiation will cause some of the abnormalities to humanbody.Therefore, the health protection measures should be strengthened.
  • LIU Chang-an, BAI Yu-shu, MA Jian-feng, et al
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    Objective To assess the biological dose for a victim accidentally exposed to 60Co gamma-rays in Hebi, Henan Province, P.R.China.Methods The individual radiation dose was initially estimated by clinic emergency bioindicators for radiation exposure and further with chromosomal aberration analysis by the yields of dicentrics plus rings (dic+r).The well-uniform ex-pose or non-uniform one was tested by the Poisson distribution of dic+r.Results Based on the clinical manifestation, the equivalent whole body dose was estimated to be 1 Gy~2 Gy and the skin dose of the right hand to be equal to or more than 20 Gy.Based on the cytogenetic findings, the equivalent whole body dose for the victim was estimated to be 1.54 Gy, with the 95% confidence interval from 1.32 Gy to 1.75 Gy.The dic+r aberrations of the victim were in conforming roughly to the Poisson distribution.Conclusion This victim was exposed approximately homogeneous to radiation.The diagnoses of was made slight bone marrow form of acute radiation sickness of the bone marrow with acute radiation injuries Ⅳ° of skin of the right hand.
  • ZENG Yi-bing, ZHANG Zong-rang, MEN M eng, et al
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    Objective In order to optimize the supervisory monitoring proposal of the major radioactive enterprises.Methods We have worked out the public doses within the range of 0~1 km as well as 1~2 km through monitoring analysis of the radioactive pollutant enterprises on the samples of its surrounding air, water, soil and organism.Results Generally the pollutant range of the enterprises runs from 0 to 1.5 km.Conclusion Unnecessary working hours can be shortened as long as we keep the routine supervisory monitor of pollutant enterprises within the range of 2km.
  • YANG Fen-fang, CHEN Dong-hui, XIANG Jia-min, et al
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    Objective To find out the radioactive dose burdens of inhabitants as a result of illegal uranium-mining.Estimate the annual effective dose of the inhabitants who lived in the radioactive contaminated area.Provide basis for the government department concerned to take punishing actions.Methods The radioactive dose level and contamination on surface was determined with LB-123 multilateral function instrument in the life environment.222Rn and its daughter's potential alpha energy concentration inside and outside the contamindted houses had been determined.Meanwile, we had collected the specimens of food and drinking water to analyse contents of natural radionuclids, thus estimate the annual effective dose of the inhabitants.Results The annual effective dose of inhabitants who lived in contaminated village house A was 13.75 mSv.Conclusion Illegal uranium mining had brought about the fact that the annual effective dose of the inhabitants who lived in contaminated environment was makedly high above the normal level.