WANG Yue-xing, LU Yong-jie, YANG Yi-fang, et al
Objective To develop a liquid tissue substitute used for neutron experiments and test its applicability for measurement of specific activities of 24Na in anthropomorphic phantom irradiated by neutrons.Methods In accordance with the ratios of H, N, O and C and the density for soft tissue by ICRP Publication 23 and with other requirements suitable for experiments, more than 18, 000 raw chemical substances were screened, analyzed, calculated and tested to prepare the liquid tissue-equivalent substitute.Results The liquid tissue-equivalent substitute has been developed, which made from water, Ethanol, Citric acid monohydrate, N-Methylacetanilide, Glycine and Urea, and their ratios (%) were 50.3:27.5:8.52:5.68:6.4:1.6.The weight ratios of H, N, O and C in the substitute equal to 10.6:2.5:63.2:23.7, and its density 1.006~1.008g/cm3 (20℃).Experimental results showed that the differences for the specific activities of 24Na in the phantom and for the distribution of activated 24Na in the cuboid after neutron irradiation were very obvious when the tissue substitute replaced by water.Conclusion The liquid tissue-equivalent material can conveniently be applied to neutron experiments and can't be replaced by water, which were proved by a lot of our practical applications.