CHENG Qi-jun, ZHANG Zeng, XU Zheng-chang, et al
Objective The effects of pitch, collimation and table speed on radiation dose to patient were studied.Methods The TLDs and a standard CT head dosimetry phantom were used for radiation dose measurements.All data were acquired on the third-generation scanner (Somatom plus 4, Siemens).The study was carried out at 10, 8, 5 mm collimation for pitches of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.Table speed was 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16 mm/1.5s.Results The average radiation dose at central hole and that at peripheral were measured.Results As the tube voltage and the round speed is given the radiation dose increases with increase in tube current and collimation, decreases with the table speed and pitch.The radiation dose at central hole was nearly equal to that at peripheral hole.There was no significant difference between them with statistical test.Conclusion As the tube voltage, tube current, round speed is given the average dose at central hole and that at peripheral hole are inverse proportional to pitch.The collimation less affected on the radiation dose in this study.