
  • 28 December 2003 Volume 12 Issue 4

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  • Jay H. Lubin, WANG Zuo-yuan, John D. Boice Jr., et al
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    Objective To verify the prognosis that miners' exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.Methods We collected data from two case-control studies of residential radon representing two large radon studies conducted in China.The studies included 1 050 lung cancer cases and 1 996 controls.Results Based on a linear model, the excess odds ratio (EOR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) at 100 Bq/m3 was 0.133 (0.01, 0.36).For subjects living in the current home for 30 years or more, the EOR was 0.315 (0.07, 0.91).EOR estimates were similar to those in the extrapolations from miner data and consistent with residential radon studies in North American and Europe.Conclusion Long-terra radon exposure at concentrations found in many houses increases lung cancer risk.
  • DU Zun-min, LIU Chuan-fang, ZHANG Yu-kun, et al
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    Objective To study the hematopoietic reconstruction effects of peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) mobilized with an-ti-VLA-4 monoclonal antibody (McAb) in lethally irradiated mice.Methods BALB/c mice received 8.5 Gy total body irradiation were transplanted with PBSCs from NS-treated mice (experimental groupl).with PBSCs from anti-VLA-4 McAb-mobilized mice (experimental group 2).The white blood cell count, the 4-week survival rate, bone marrow nuclear cells (BMNC).granulocyte-mac-rophage colony-forming unit (CFU-GM), colony-forming unit-spleen (CFU-S) were observed.Results Survival rate, WBC, BMNC, CFU-GM, CFU-S counts were significantly higher in experimental group 2 than those of the control group, experimental group 1 (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05).Conclusion Anti-VLA-4 McAb may effectively mobilize PBSC in mice.PBSCs mobilized with anti-VLA-4 McAb could effectively reconstruct hematopoiesis in lethally irradiated mice.
  • XING Yue-ming, ZHAO Xin-ping, SONG Xiang, et al
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    Objectives To probe for the therapeutic eflectiveness of combination of Gamma Knife and cobait-60 radiotherapy.Methods 80 Hypophysoma patients who have been randomly grouped into two groups.Combination of Gamma Knife and cobait-60 radiotherapy group and single Gamma knife group.Results The therapeutic effectiveness of combination of Gamma Knife and cobait-60 radiation therapy group was higher than that of single Gamma Knife group.Conclusion the hospital that treat Hypophysoma with single Gamma Knife should add cobait-60 radiotherapy in order to increase the local Hypophysoma dose.
  • XU Cui-hua, WANG Si-guang, ZHOU Qiang, et al
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    Objective For improving the accuracy in radioactive measurement, to adjust HPGe detector's dead-layer thickness and cold-finger size in Monte Carlo simulation calculation through comparing the efficiencies calculated with the measured.Methods The adjusting method is described first, and then, the calculated results befofe and after adjusted are compared with measured efficiencies, which is made by putting a 137Cs standard source at different distances from the detector.Results It is proved that the average relative differences calculated and actual-measured before and after being adjusted have been increased from 5.301% to 3.937%.Conclusion Both the calculating function of MC simulation program and the accuracy of radioactive measurements have been surely improved.