Tu Yu, et al
1999, 8(2): 65-67.
Purpose: To know the dose of spermary when the patient was radiotherapied in head-neck, in thorax, in abdomen with 6MV-X rays, so as to afford experimantal dependencies for clinical therapy plan.Methods and Materials: Put the thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) in a tisssue-epuivalent anthropomorphic phantom's spermary and irradiated with 6MV-X rays in different unit of the phantom to measure absorbed doses of spermary.Rusults: irradiated in the same unit, both of spermaries' doses are not different, while in different unit, the doses of spermary are different.If 1 Gy dose was given in head-neck or in thorax or in abdomen, the doses that spermary absorbed were 0.155mGy, 0.340mGy and 32.075 mGy.Conclusion: The routine radiotherapy to the tumour in abdomen will damage spermary, the effective mothod to decrease the dose of spermary is to use screen blanker.